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In side the Well of Being Vital. Vital. Essential. The Heart is a Vital organ.
The vortex that is the shape of the toroidal energy field of the heart is the Well that is the counter spin in as the torus spirals out. Let’s get to the heart of the matter.
Inside, the heart of the heart, the point that is one point at the core of the core.
Enter in, deeper still. One point is still one point. ever moving out is simultaneously moving in.
Imagine all the music Omashar ever made for all the instruments ever played all the variety of music , all has one thing in common. The Rest in between the notes. It is all the same Rest where music is not played. The Rest of the Symphony is the Rhythm.
Imagine feeling the pulsing rhythmic pattern that is the originating pattern of Life. What does it feel? How would I know? The sensory neurites of the heart, 50,000 long hairlike filaments floating like mermaid hair underwater feeling sensation in the unseen.
Imagine opening the senses to remote view that which cannot be seen and bi locating to the target, feeling that which you can not yet see, opening to the touch of a physical location. focusing on sensations is what opens the sensory neurites and brings them on line.
The sensory neurites pre cognizes as the brain recognizes the periodic repeating pattern pulsed from the heart.
The Time Crystal. In Science, a crystal is a periodic repeating pattern. A periodic repeating pattern in Time. The rhythm of unfolding unfurling Life, pulsed alive. Awe Live.
With a degree in Biochemistry, advanced studies in Genetics and Biophysics and a fascination with quantum geometry, Oriana Marici developed a deeper knowing of fractal patterns encoded within us, rhythmically unfolding the Dance of Life. She teaches Remote Viewing to develop the skill of Bi-Locating to navigate the Zero Point energy Field. Through one of her many travels, she met a Shaman in the Amazon Jungle, who conveyed Sacred Knowledge of the pathway through the double helix. To follow that path, she mastered an internal movement form, Continuum, to explore deeply the internal molecular movement of the unfurling pattern of Life. The key is in the heart.
Journey Live with Oriana via Zoom
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